What is Vedic Hinduism?

What is Vedic Hinduism

Hinduism is a religion that's alive for thousands of times. It's such a tradition that was born in the Indian key and shaped the Indian culture. Hinduism isn't only a religion but also an integral identity of the maturity of Indians. But Hinduism is a word that numerous people, including those who call themselves ‘ Hindu ’, frequently do n’t understand the factual meaning of the term. Some say it's a religion on the other hand some tells it's a way of life. also what's the true meaning of Hinduism? 


In this composition, we will try to answer this question and will understand how Hinduism starts as a “ way of life ” and developed as a “ religion ”. 

Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest persuasions. There's no definite answer to the question that when Hinduism started but it's believed that its history goes back to further than 4000 times in the history. moment there are people who follow Hinduism in nearly every corner of the world, out of which 90 belongs to India. In the course of followers, with 900 million followers, Hinduism is the third- largest religion after Christianity and Islam. Along with this Sanskrit language is especially related to the elaboration of Hinduism which played an important part in spreading the belief system of Hinduism. It's believed that proto – Indo – Aryan and Proto- Indo – European languages are developed from Sanskrit itself. Let us understand the origin of the word ‘ Hindu ’. 


 Origins of the word ‘ Hindu ’. 

Hindu word was deduced from the swash inflow in northern India, Indus. In ancient times, this swash was known as the Sindhu swash but when Persians came into India they called it Hindu, and to the land Hindustan, and the people abiding then called Hindus. Likewise, the term ‘ Hindu ’ came into actuality in the 6th century BC pertaining to a geographical terrain rather than a artistic side. 


 While defining religious side the reference of the word Hinduism for the first time gets in a Chinese textbook ‘ Record of the western regions ’. But it's also believed that to describe religious practices or beliefs the English term Hinduism isn't so old. It's said that for the first time it's used by Rajaram Mohan Roy in the time 1816- 17. After this, around 1830 to oppose British colonialism and to show different from the other religious group, a side of Indians started calling themselves Hindus and ‘ Hinduism ’ as their religion. It was the time when Hindus are soul searching for their identity. 

How did Hinduism start. 

 Hindus call their religion Sanatan Dharma( Eternal faith) and there's no single author of Hinduism like Christianity and Islam and its origin is believed aged than recorded history. In the Indus vale civilization, there's some similar substantiation that's either a part of Hinduism or influences it. For illustration, the Proto Shiva seal, the terracotta statuettes of the mama goddess, Swastik, sacred images of creatures,etc. that are the corridor of Hinduism moment. So it's believed that in some way or the other Hinduism was being from that time. 

It's believed that starting of Hinduism in an systematized manner from Vedic culture. Because at this time the sacred textbook of Hindus Vedas was began, implies the first erudite substantiation of Hinduism gets us in the Vedic period. So it's clear that there's no author of Hinduism and no specific date of its origin. But there are some core beliefs that can define Hinduism. Let us know them. 

Core beliefs. 

 Hinduism isn't an systematized religion as it doesn't have totally associated values or commandments. The beliefs of Hinduism are told by the original, indigenous, estate, or community- driven practices. Yet numerous beliefs can be common in all variations, these are the core beliefs. 

 First, Hindus believe in the conception of Brahman( Supreme being). Other than the conception of air, the conception of ‘ Soul ’( Atma), the conception of ‘ Reincarnation ’( Punarjanma), and ‘ Moksha ’ are part of the central belief system of Hinduism. 
 The conception of Soul( Atma), says that all living brutes have souls( Atma) that are a form of God. 

The conception of Karma in Hinduism is veritably important it says that the conduct of the people determine their present and unborn life. There are four points of life in Hinduism, Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. After attaining deliverance, ends the cycle of birth and the soul( Atma) is contained in the ‘ supreme soul ’. 
 Yoga, which means union with God also an important part of Hinduism. Whether the people do n’t know about Hinduism but they know about Yoga. Since 2015, it came more notorious when 21st June celebrated as transnational Yoga Day every time and people now understand its real- world benefit for the physical, internal and spiritual well- being. 

Major Gods, Sacred textbooks, and different textbook. 

 By the way, Hindus believe in a Supreme being. Supreme beings mean the conception of ‘ Brahman ’ refers to formless God, ultimate reality, and universal energy present in the macrocosm. Along with this, in Hinduism, it's said that it may be in different forms, and from then the conception of secularism comes. According to Hinduism, everything is a form of God, and these forms and ‘ incorporations ’( manifestation) are taken for the weal of the people. Along with this Hindus also worship ‘ nature ’. In Hinduism from factory to beast, everything is worshipped. There's a scientific reason behind nature deification. For illustration, in Hinduism, there's a conception of worshipping the banyan tree, and we all know that this tree gives oxygen for 24 hours. This means the followers of Hinduism were understand the significance of this tree. In this way, the Tulsi factory, which has its medicinal value, and the Indian Goose Berry are also worshipped. At the time of Corona when it's advised to take vitamin C in a good way, we all started taking Indian Goose Berry in enough volume. Ayurveda call it a superfood and advises to take it daily. In the Vedic period where Indra was worshipped as a major God on the other hand in the after period, the conception of the Trinity was developed. According to this, there are three major Gods. Brahma the creator, Vishnu the conserver, and Shiva the destroyer. In Hinduism, womanlike energy is also worshipped in form of Goddess Shakti. In any other major religion, there's no conception to worship God in the womanlike form. Other than this there are multiple gods and goddesses that are linked with multiple attributes. For illustration, Lord Ganesha is called the way of obstacles means ‘ Vighnaharta ’ and Devi Saraswati is the ‘ Goddess of knowledge ’. The way there's no single author of Hinduism in common with the ‘ Bible ’ and in the ‘ Kuran ’, there's no single book that represents Hinduism. But multiple textbooks are considered sacred in Hinduism. Among these, the oldest are four Vedas, Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. According to Hindu gospel, these represent the eternal verity and it was revealed to the pundits by God. Other than this Upanishad, Puranas, Epics like ‘ Ramayana ’, ‘ Mahabharata ’ and ‘ Bhagavad Gita ’ are the major holy books of Hinduism. Like other persuasions, Hinduism also has different sets. There are four major sets in Hinduism, Vaishnava, Shaiva, Smartas, and Shakta. Vaishnava worships ‘ Lord Vishnu ’, Shaiv worships ‘ lord Shiva ’, Shakta deification ‘ Devi Shakti ’ while Smartas worship five divinities, considered a ‘ supreme being ’. Other than this sets andsub-sects are also part of Hinduism. The different sets of Hinduism are free from any kind of violence. All sets have been peacefullyco-existing with each other. The reason behind this is that all sets have the same core beliefs and they don't fight each other on a philosophical base. All sets accept the actuality of each other readily because ‘ forbearance ’ is a core belief of Hinduism. 

Elaboration of Hindu social system. 

 ‘ Varna system ’ began in the ‘ Purushukta ’ of ‘ Rig Veda ’ is the foundation of social order in Hinduism. According to this society is divided into four Varnas, Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra. This division was grounded on Karma, in which those people working in intellectual and spiritual conditioning were called Brahmans, those working for guarding the public were called Kshatriyas, the skillful directors were called Vaishyas and unskilled sloggers were called Shudras. Going forward, this system started getting rigid, and latterly on the Varna was decided grounded on birth, numerous classes were kept out of varna and were considered rejects. After that, the branch in Varnas developed ‘ Jatis ’ or ‘ Caste ’ and the lower Varnas and rejects were treated inversely. Due to all these evil practices, the societal fabric was weakened. Different rules and different townlets rituals were specified for all Varnas. Hinduism sounded like a social complex order and due to this complexity, religious traditions like ‘ Jainism ’ and ‘ Buddhism ’ were getting popular in the 6th century. At one point in time, ‘ Buddhism ’ and ‘ Jainism ’ dominated the entire Indian key and Hinduism appears to be declining to some extent.

Revival and reform in Hinduism. 

 Despite being so old, Hinduism is still surviving. The biggest reason is that from time to time the reforms were brought in Hinduism and were revived. Indeed if it was the south Indian ‘ Bhakti movement ’ or by different Acharyas. During the Bhakti movement, ‘ Alvars ’ and Naynar’s saints challenged the rigid estate system. The reforms in Hinduism like the Bhakti movement by Alvars and Naynar have made it possible for Hindus to survive till moment. 

Along with time, Hinduism absorbed original religions and divinities, whether it was the ‘ Naga cult ’, ‘ Yaksha- Yakshini’cult, or notorious ‘ Jagannath puri ’ that's considered a ethnical deity. sluggishly everyone come part of the Hindu pantheon, indeed Buddha was told as a form of Lord Vishnu. There's a discussion on Hinduism and the name of ‘ Adi Shankaracharya ’ isn't there, ca n’t be possible.

 ‘ Adi Shankaracharya ’ in the 8th century announcement started feting Hinduism and gave the ‘ Advaita gospel ’. According to this only Brahman( Supreme being) is verity and other effects are its creation. Shankaracharya popularised the Hindu gospel across the country. He also established four cloisters at four corners – ‘ Sharda Peeth ’ at Sringeri, ‘ Kalika Peeth ’ at Dwarika, ‘ Jyoti Peeth ’ at Badrikashram, and ‘ Govardhan peeth ’ at Jagannath Puri. These are called the four ‘ Dham ’ of Hinduism. 

In this way, he also connected the followers of Hinduism geographically. He also popularised the ‘ Panchayatana ’, meaning the deification of five divinities. In which five divinities, ‘ Ganesha ’, ‘ Shiva ’, ‘ Vishnu ’, ‘ Surya, ’ and ‘ Shakti ’ are worshipped together. It says that all these are different forms of Brahman( Supreme Being). In this way, Sankaracharya also united different sets. Other than uniting different sets of Hinduism, he also simplified the Book. Other than ‘ Sankaracharya ’, ‘ Ramanuja ’ and ‘ Madhavacharya ’ were two other important liberals and facilitators of Hinduism. Other than this, ‘ Nirguna ’ and ‘ Saguna ’ saints also played considerable places in conserving Hinduism during grueling medival times. In this ‘ Ramananda ’, ‘ Kabir ’, ‘ Nanak ’, ‘ Meerabai ’, and ‘ Tulsidas ’ were the notorious saint whose places wereimportant.However, also ‘ Raja Ram Mohan Roy ’, ‘ Swami Dayanand Saraswati ’, If talk about the ultramodern period. 

In the 19th century, due to these social-religious liberals, Cristian missionaries weren't so successful to convert Hindus as they were in Africa or other colonies. Swami Vivekananda popularised the Hindu religion by giving an stimulating speech at the world religious conference at Chicago in 1893. opining on Swami Ji’s speech an American review wrote, ‘ What's the need to shoot Christian missionaries to such a rich religious traditional country? ’ 

The timely reformation of religion has also been backed by the Hindu religious textbooks itself. It's also said in Hindu gospel that whenever religion comes into trouble, also God himself incarnates to cover it. So these reforms movements can also be justified by Hindu gospel. Hindu religion has been managed to survived so long because it has acclimated and has noway been static. In the Atharva Veda, the explanation of the Sanatan word is also commodity like this – ” Sanatanam enam ahuh uta adyah syat punarnavah ”, meaning ” They annunciate him to be eternal. But he may come new again indeed moment ”. Diversity is the most unique point of Hinduism. 

How Hinduism encompasses the conception of ‘ concinnity in diversity? 

 Hindu religion has numerous Gods, Holy Writ, religious practices,etc. and nonetheless, the Hinduism followers show a certain concinnity because Hindu gospel is so flexible that it accepts all views. it's a belief in Hinduism that the ways may be different but the destination is the same for all. Hinduism also accepts other persuasions as true. In Hinduism, there's no conception that persuasions other than Hinduism can't be a way to reach God. Hinduism respects persuasions and is tolerant of other paths, there's no conception of forced conversion in Hinduism. There was no war in the history of Hinduism against other persuasions in the name of religion. With the gospel of ‘ Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam ’ and ‘ Sarve bhavantu sukhina ’, Hinduism thinks about well being of everyone. In Hinduism, there's also a conception of equal birth of all mortal beings. This is easily shown to us by an ancient hymn, ” Ajyesthaso akanishthaso ete sambhrataro vahduhu saubhagya ”, meaning ‘ no bone
 is superior, none inferior. All are sisters marching forward to substance ’. This is the reason that whether you worship Shiva or Krishna, whether you're a sucker of Shakti and whether you do n’t worship anyone still can say Hindu to yourselves. For being a Hindu neither it's mandatory to worship God nor go to any tabernacle, indeed neither it's obligatory to study any ancient Book. Hinduism considers everyone itsown.However, Hinduism unites you with its 900 million followers, If you consider yourself a Hindu also you're a Hindu also no matter how important diversity comes. 


As we've seen there's no single author of Hinduism and neither any single textbook nor any single God like other persuasions. That’s why it's delicate to understand Hinduism traditionally. Hinduism is further of a way of life than religion. But with time the development of other persuasions started and these all challenged the Hindu way of life, to fight it and in its competition, Hinduism started to develop as a religion. The dharma in Hinduism is called “ Sanatana Dharma ” and the description of dharma is different from religion. Dharma is a set of rules, and Sanatan dharma is those rules which are valid since eternity. 
To describe Hinduism in one composition is a kind of insolvable task nonetheless, we've tried to introduce you to the basics of Hinduism. 

Source:Vedanta society,Wikipedia

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