Hinduism | The funeral rites for the deceased


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The funeral rites for the deceased in Hinduism, known as Antyesti or "the last sacrifice," encompass a significant rite of passage in the life of a Hindu individual. Also referred to as Antima Sanskar, Antya-kriya, Anvarohanyya, or Vahni Sanskara, these rituals hold various customs and details depending on factors such as the region, caste, gender, and age of the deceased.

The Antyesti ceremony revolves around the belief, found in ancient Hindu texts, that the microcosm of all living beings reflects the microcosm of the universe. According to this understanding, the soul is immortal and serves as the essence released during the Antyeshti ritual. In different schools of Hinduism, both the human body and the universe are seen as transient vehicles, while the soul remains eternal. In Hindu texts, it is stated that the human body and the universe consist of the five elements: air, water, fire, earth, and space. The final rite of passage aims to return the body to these elements and its origins, tracing its roots back to the Vedas.

Typically, the last rites are completed within a day of the individual's passing. While practices can differ among different sects, generally, the deceased's body is washed and wrapped in white cloth for men or red cloth for women whose husbands are still alive. The big toes are tied together with a string, and a Tilak (a red, yellow, or white mark) is placed on the forehead. Family and friends then carry the body to the cremation ground near a river or water, with the feet facing south, and place it on a pyre.

The eldest son, a male mourner, or a priest known as the lead cremator or lead mourner, bathes before leading the cremation ceremony. The lead mourner circumambulates the pyre with the body, recites a eulogy or hymn, places sesame seeds or rice in the deceased person's mouth, and sprinkles ghee (clarified butter) on the body and pyre. Three lines symbolizing Lord Yama (Lord of the Dead), Lord Kaala (Lord of Time & Cremation), and the dead spirits are drawn. Prior to lighting the pyre, an earthen pot filled with water is circled around the body before being thrown over the lead mourner's shoulder to break near the head. Once the pyre is ignited, the lead mourner and close relatives may circumambulate the burning pyre one or more times. The ceremony concludes with the lead cremator performing the ritual of kapala kriya, which involves piercing the burning skull with a stave (bamboo fire poker) to release the spirit.

Those in attendance at the cremation, as well as those exposed to the dead body or cremation smoke, take a shower promptly after the ceremony as the cremation ritual is considered unclean and polluting. The collected cold ash from the cremation is later consecrated and immersed in the nearest river or sea.

In certain regions, male relatives of the deceased shave their heads and invite friends and relatives to partake in a simple meal together on the tenth or twelfth day as a remembrance of the departed. In some communities, this day also serves as an occasion to offer food to the poor and needy in memory of the deceased.

The cremation ground, known as Shmashana in Sanskrit, is traditionally situated near a river or sometimes directly on the river bank. Some individuals, if financially capable, choose to complete the rite of immersion of ashes into the water at special sacred places like Kashi (Varanasi), Haridwar, Allahabad, Sri Rangam, or Rames

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