Indian class system | Vedic sanatan Hinduism


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The traditional belief among many Hindus that one is born into a particular caste is not supported by their scriptures. The caste system in India has deviated from its original purpose and wrongly recognizes individuals born into Brahmin families as Brahmins, even if they lack the qualities befitting a Brahmin. This deviation has given rise to numerous problems within society.

According to the Vedas, the four varnas or social divisions - Brahmanas (intellectuals/priests), Kshatriyas (warriors/administrators), Vaishyas (merchants/farmers), and Sudras (laborers/servants) - are distinguished by the qualities inherent to their nature, influenced by the material modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance. The natural qualities of Brahmanas include peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom, and religiousness. Similarly, heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity, and leadership are the natural qualities of Kshatriyas. Farming, cow protection, and business are associated with Vaishyas, while labor and service to others are characteristic of Sudras. These divisions are based on an individual's aptitude and work.

The scriptures emphasize that by following their respective qualities and engaging in their own occupations, individuals can attain perfection. It is better to perform one's own duties, even imperfectly, rather than taking up someone else's occupation and executing it flawlessly. Duties prescribed according to one's nature are not affected by sinful reactions. This understanding, derived from the Bhagavad-gita's 18th chapter, reveals that the scriptures recognize diverse skills and qualifications, not based on birth but on qualities (guna) and work (karma).

Therefore, if a person born into a Sudra family develops the qualifications and performs the work of a Brahmin, they should be accepted as a Brahmin. Conversely, if the son of a Brahmin lacks the qualities and fails to engage in Brahminical work, he cannot be considered a Brahmin. Numerous examples in the Vedic scriptures support this principle. The current Indian system is akin to accepting the children of Supreme Court judges as judges without considering their qualifications, which is absurd. Just as aspiring judges must undergo proper education, practical experience, and mentorship, individuals aspiring to be Brahmins must acquire the necessary training and qualifications.

The Vedic system allows for individuals to improve their position within society. However, it is important to note that not everyone needs to strive for the highest positions. Liberation can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their social position, through the performance of their prescribed duties.

The same system of occupational divisions exists in America as well. Intellectuals correspond to Brahmanas, administrators and military personnel to Kshatriyas, businessmen and farmers to Vaishyas, and workers to Sudras. The Vedic system merely recognizes and acknowledges these groups, considering it a natural arrangement.

Some argue that the traditional caste system is a perversion and that caste reflects one's inherent abilities and inclinations, similar to fitting into a divine plan. They question the relevance of caste as an organizing principle for society. In response, it is important to understand that caste is determined by an individual's association with the three modes of material nature (goodness, passion, and ignorance). While it is influenced by one's parental qualities and work, it can be changed. The system is essential for social interaction and the smooth functioning of society. Certain individuals are suited for specific tasks based on their inherent qualities. For instance, someone with analytical thinking skills can excel as a government advisor or a judge. Placing someone lacking the required abilities in such

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