Sects and sectarian marks


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The various sects and sub-sects of the Hindus are outstanding in using the symbols of the deities they worship. Those are marked on their foreheads, fingers, and chests. The forehead marks are of course the maximum prominent but these days handiest the orthodox Hindus wear them. A few positioned them on handiest all through fairs or prayers.

Some of the common sects are:

A) the Saivas (Shaivites) who worship Shiva and Parvati mutually.

B) the Vaishnavites who worship Vishnu.

C) the suras, who worship Surya (sun).

The Saivas can be in addition subdivided into Saiva proper who worship the linga-yoni symbol the linguists who worship shiva in his linga or phallic shape; the Sakias who worship the yoni or the female shape of shiva — ‘shakti’, i.e. Girl strength (they'll worship the lady power of Krishna or Rama also) and the Ganapati who worship Ganesha, son of Shiva.

The alternative main sect, the Vaishnavas, may be subdivided into two. The first, the goulash, worships Vishnu as Krishna, without or with his consort Radha. There are a few who worship Radha best. The second, Ramanujan, worships Rama on my own or with Sita, his consort at the same time as there are a few who worship Sita by myself.

The Vaishnavas are distinguished using perpendicular lines at the brow, with or without a dot or circlet between them, or using a chakra or discus, or a triangle, protect, cone, coronary heart shape, or any comparable form having its apex pointed downward, considering that Vishnu is water, the belongings of that's to descend (b within the diagram on the other page).

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The Saivas are outstanding using or more horizontal strains, with or without a dot underneath or above them, or on the middle line without or with the oval, or 1/2 oval, typical of his 1/3 eye bisecting the lines; also by a triangle, or any pointed or arched object having its apex or convex give up upward, on account that shiva is fire the assets of that is to ascend. The crescent moon and the trident (trial) also imply a votary of Shiva (c in the diagram on the opposite page).

Photos of Ganesha and Kartikeya endure the marks of Shiva at the same time as those of Indra, Agni, Chandra, Krishna, Rama, buddha, and Hanuman undergo the marks of Vishnu. Brahma, who each water and hearth bears the sectarian marks of each Vishnu and Shiva (inside the diagram on the opposite web page).

The dot is the mark of the supreme being and, with the strains of Vishnu or Shiva, indicates that the devotee claims that Vishnu or Shiva, because the case may be, is the very best godhead. The horizontal strains of the saivas are white and the dot or circlet is crimson.

The sectarian marks are drawn in red, yellow, black, and ashen white and are fabricated from ashes taken from the sacrificial fire, cow dung, turmeric, sandalwood, lime, and an adhesive crafted from rice water.

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