Should I let people drive my car?


Should I let people drive my car?Who drives a car for someone?Who drives the car in a relationship?What happens if you let someone drive your car without a license UK?

Some like to drive their buses themselves, while others like to be driven around. What about the cerebral experience of driving and how different is it from the experience of being driven around? 


Utmost spiritual campaigners realize sooner or latterly that living from one deadline to another is no way to live. It can noway bring total fulfillment. Life passes us by while we're busy with chores that noway feel to end. Does n’t this describe what utmost of us witness utmost of the time? 

It's helpful, no doubt, to always have commodity to look forward to and commodity to keep us busy. It saves us the trouble of deciding how to go through the day. There's commodity formerly planned for us by someone, commodity we've committed to, or commodity that's anticipated of us. therefore we live from hour to hour, day to day, month to month, time to time. No sooner one task is fulfilled than another pops up, no sooner one deadline is met than another looms ahead, no sooner one commitment is over and done with than we find that we've formerly committed ourselves to commodity differently. 


 In this entirely familiar script, we aren't in charge of our lives. We aren't at the bus. We aren't driving the vehicle of our life. We're being driven by circumstances, by our intentions, or by others ’ prospects. Is this all what life is about? It's no fun to be driven around like this — “ demurred around like a football ” would presumably be a better way to express it. And serious spiritual campaigners soon realize this. 

The consummation that my life is no longer in my own hands and no longer in my own control is disturbing. After all, it's my life, and it's my time that's being used up and it's my energy that's being exhausted. Why should I not have control over it? Why should anybody or anything additional determine how my time should be used and my powers employed? Why should I cede control of my life to someone differently? My life should be under my control, just like the auto I'm driving should be under my control. 


 Reclaiming my own life from the clutches of everything differently is easier said than done. We're faced with what seems to be the ineluctable and harsh reality of our boring and monotonous lives. What about my job which pays my bills? My time and energy during my working hours do n’t belong to me. They belong to my employer who has rented me for 40 hours( or whatever) every week. There's no way I can get those under my control. And what about my other liabilities in life? It's insolvable to have total control over my time and energy. It feels like my life is no longer only my life. 

 Air Yoga shows us the way to reclaim our lives completely and irrevocably. It teaches us how we can have full control over every moment of our lives and every ounce of our energy. In malignancy of my liabilities at my plant, my duties related to my family and my community, and hundred other effects besides, I can still have my life under my control. I can still be free. 


 Life is “ life ” only when it's free, else it's only actuality in the pale shadow of death, which is ready to hurdle at a time and in a way of its own picking. Since we do n’t know when we ’ll die and how, it's noway to beforehand to begin living one’s life on one’s own terms. 

                                                      Source:Vedanta society,Wikipedia

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